


Soooo, yeah. This is probably the 3rd blog I have tried to start. I figured that I would go pretty simple with this one, because I think the reason the other ones failed is because I tried to over complicate things. Like having a fucking blog and a forum in one. It was pretty, and my girlfriend worked hard helping me set it up, but a lot of people came to me and didn't know how to sign up or order artwork and on a forum, you join and then you feel obligated to interact with people. And then you forget about it and come back and there are a bunch of updates and you can't keep up with everything and it becomes this giant fucking mess.

That kind of got away from there.

ANYWAY big plans coming up. I am going to be making several posts as I make the transition from being a vegetarian to a vegan. Prepare for some bitching... cheese is like crack to me. But either way, it's fucking up my body and I want to be healthy and not a fatass. I'm actually going to start being more ACTIVE and going OUTSIDE! I also want to make a post covering my decision to stop using shampoo and conditioner in my hair, and I will also post pictures.

You may also notice my extensive commissions section. I have never had clear set in stone prices, but I do now, for both real currency and IMVU currency. I am also going to be opening an art shop in the IMVU forums, so more on that to come. New commissions are closed at the moment due to me being up to my tits in old ones. But they will open eventually.

I also want to extend an offer to IMVU artists that may be reading this: I am opening this blog up to something I made up just now called "Art shop reviews." I will be doing reviews oof my own accord, but you may also message me on IMVU or e-mail me a link to your art shop and I will consider making a review post on it. I will not be mean, but expect to get some honest critique. I will also post your banner linking to your shop, so that's free publicity right there!

Anyway, if any of this seems remotely interesting to you, feel free to bookmark or subscribe so you will be alerted when there are new posts. c:

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